The Benefits of Eating Meat

I always knew there were benefits to eating meat. “Avoid plants and eat more meat,” was a phrase I never heard while I was growing up. Eating all of my vegetables was a must, as I was raised to eat all of my veggies on my plate. Healthy meals were always important in my family as I was growing up. My mom used veggies as a way to add a pop of color to our balanced dinners, so our meals were healthy AND pretty! I raised my own children to eat their vegetables, believing a balanced meal was important to help them develop in the most healthy way I could.

Unfortunately, we live in an unhealthy society. Don’t get me wrong, I believe people try their best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. There are so many fad-like lifestyle changes, products for weight loss, new gym memberships, workout routines, diet this, and diet that. We have all been there, trying to get healthier. We’ve made the New Year resolutions, etc. and I’m sure we all mean well, but what if we didn’t have the correct information? When I heard plants were trying to kill me, I took a nose-dive into some things. I wanted to see exactly what the benefits of eating more meat were.

I don’t dislike vegetables, I like quite a few of them. They are usually the first things I eat to “get it over with” before cutting into a delicious cut of meat. I do love fruit, and it tends to be my go-to snack. My absolute favorite meal involves either seafood or steak. For my birthday this year, all I wanted was steak and a glass of wine. That was it. Nothing else. Turns out, my defiance against having vegetables with my steak was healthier than if I had added them! Check out how some say plants are trying to kill you.

In this video, Dr. Chaffee explains exactly why plants are generally bad to eat.

While an animal’s defense is to run away and use teeth, horns, claws, or whatever means of escape they need to survive, plants can’t defend themselves in the same way. How do they survive then? Plants, like vegetables and fruit we eat, typically contain certain toxins that affect most people. Plants create toxins as a defense mechanism. Predators (and humans) experience bloating, gas, and other digestive issues when ingesting plants. Animals know to avoid certain plants because they are not good for them. Plants, such as fruits, greens, beans, seeds, and nuts contain lectins, gluten, and phytic acid. These are not only things that cause inflammation, gut issues, and autoimmune disorders in humans, but also things I like to eat. Dang!

Those who do eat plants have a natural reason, like the kind of bird in Australia (mentioned in the video). It eats the berries no other creatures can eat because it can digest them in a certain way, germinating the seeds in its intestines, therefore spawning the plant. Most plants will kill most animals, in general, unless it has a symbiotic purpose such as this. For as long as we can remember, we have been told eating vegetables and fruits is a MUST. So what are the benefits of eating more meat, since veggies are plants?

benefits of eating meat

As you saw in the video above, studies have shown that natural pesticides in plants contain 10,000 times more harm than industrial-sprayed pesticides. What does this mean? The natural toxins and pesticides contained in plants outweigh even the man-made carcinogens in our environment. I was shocked! Plants emit these toxicities to protect themselves and if animals don’t eat many of them, what is nature telling us? As scientists have studied the growing health ailments of unhealthy people, it became clear that most people are deficient in what is necessary for their bodies. So is avoiding plants and eating more meat the best option? You can see how good nutrient-dense food can be a great benefit.

Years ago, the food pyramid was built and rebuilt by the USDA, with a well-intended program for nutritional education. It was discovered after 1992 that its flaws promoted rich carbohydrates (bread, cereal, rice, pasta) as well as generous portions of vegetables and fruit. I remember the fats being only a small portion, thinking they were bad for me. This misleading guidance stated saturated fat (found in red meat and dairy products), was associated with high risks of heart disease. Eventually, saturated fat was replaced with polyunsaturated fats (found in vegetable oils and fish) which proved to reduce cholesterol. Western countries tend to have both high saturated fat intakes as well as high rates of overweight issues and coronary heart disease. Here is the history of the food pyramid and some of its flaws.

Other societies that eat larger portions of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have lower rates of heart disease, therefore concluding saturated fats weren’t as good for us. All we knew was that “fat was bad,” people my age were dropping from heart attacks, and trans fats came into the food industry as a way to avoid these health ailments. Margarine was in the market as a way to save money and avoid heart attacks, as liquid vegetable oils made into soft solids were cheaper and easier to produce. Eventually, after a few versions of the food pyramid, the food industry started with “low-fat” cookies, chips, and other snacks that happened to be very high in unnatural sweeteners. Furthermore, scientists also discovered little evidence that a high intake of carbohydrates is actually beneficial for you.

Animals, such as cows, have a unique digestive system that allows them to digest fibrous materials in the grasses they eat. As opposed to our one stomach, cows’ stomachs are separated into four parts to allow proper digestion of what they eat. Some cows are grass-fed, others are corn-fed. Corn-fed cows are simply a quick way to fatten cows up to produce more beef faster. Unfortunately, cows can suffer from many different health issues because of this diet. Grass-fed cows have the most nutritious meat, and just like a good, fine wine, it takes longer to produce. Your nose and your taste buds will be able to tell the difference between these meats, showing quantity doesn’t necessarily mean quality.

Our ancestors ate most parts of the animal. The animal eats the nutritious plants it is meant to eat, therefore effectively passing those nutrients to us when we eat them. Think of how our bodies are meant to digest certain foods. All of us animals and humans are not made the same, so we shouldn’t eat the same way. Think of how our beloved pets cannot have bites of foods (vegetables and fruits) we eat because it’s toxic for them. We are the same way. Our bodies are designed to ingest and digest certain foods for our survival and our health benefits from this specific food. A slice of good quality meat not only tastes fantastic, but it also provides us with necessary nutrients. These are things to consider if you want to reap the benefits of eating more meat.

When a friend introduced the carnivore diet way of eating, I was intrigued. I mean, we’re talking NO fruits or vegetables, if done the way it’s intended. So eating just bacon, eggs, steaks, fish, and anything coming from an animal piqued both me and my husband’s interests. We are up there in our middle years, with the aches and ailments that come with our age. When I saw and heard testimonies of people who eat like our bodies were meant to, I learned quite a few things. Besides better hair, skin, and nails from the collagen and other nutrients in the meat, people have said their joint pain went away, the weight fell off, and health ailments subsided. Meat, like this particular beef, has nearly every nutrient our bodies need to thrive and is superior to absorption in your body than plants.

Dr. Robert Kiltz, a fertility doctor for decades, developed this baseline of eating called B.E.B.B.I.I.S. (pronounced “babies”). It was this way of eating that helped many of his patients become parents, just based on dietary changes. We have heard how diet alone can help or hurt our bodies, and this is another example. The acronym B.E.B.B.I.I.S. is mostly a guide to help break it down basically.

  • Bacon (you can’t go wrong!) Any pork products without additives like sugars
  • Eggs: Typically, chicken and duck eggs, as they are easier to find, but this includes all eggs, such as roe. Check out the differences between the two kinds of eggs here.
  • Butter: Can there really be too much? All animal fats, such as ghee, tallow, lard, heavy cream, and cheeses
  • Beef: Any red meats from livestock or other ruminant animals (lamb, goats, elk, etc.)
  • Ice cream: specifically Dr. Kiltz’s homemade keto ice cream, which can be made with or without a very small amount of sugar.
  • Intermittent Feasting: Optimally, eating one large meal (feast) a day in smaller windows of time is sufficient to keep you comfortably full.
  • Salt: Cutting out processed foods will eliminate most of the salt in your diet. You can liberally salt your BEBBIIS foods then. Salt is essential for our bodies anyway, as it is a necessary nutrient our bodies need to function.
  • Portions: Don’t worry about portion control. Eat until you’re comfortably full. Go for that greater ounce of steak!
  • Salt: All animals, including humans, crave salt. Go for it! Be careful of salt substitutes, rub blends, and anything else that has added sugar (carbs we try to avoid) in them.
  • Check Labels: Watch out for processed meat, as it can have unwanted additives. “Natural Flavoring” doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. Read labels.
  • Butter is Best: Cook in animal grease. Avoid seed oils, as they also have the toxins our bodies don’t need. Don’t be afraid of butter!
  • Cooking Meat: Avoid overcooking the meat, as it takes away the necessary nutrients. The more raw, the more nutritious, believe it or not!
  • Vitamins: Beware of added supplements you might take, as they may go against your anti-inflammatory diet plan. We think of superfoods as kale and spinach. It turns out egg yolks are a superfood. Organ parts of the animal, such as the liver, have more micronutrients than vegetables. The animals consuming the nutrients from the plants they can properly digest end up supplying all the vitamins your body needs.

Just to be clear, I don’t claim all of this to be true, as I’ve never done it myself. I’m certainly not a doctor, but I do research and draw from others’ experiences. My 76-year-old neighbor has tried it and has stated, “This is day 10 for me and stopped taking my handful of supplements, my nasal spray, and my antihistamine prescription three days ago and I feel GREAT!” Our dear neighbor is in excellent shape, so naturally, I like to pick his brain with such things. It’s inspired my family to give eating more meat a try, because why wouldn’t we want to eat steaks more often? I’m always trying to be more healthy, so if it doesn’t work, then I guess I can stop. I’m ok to avoid veggies for a bit, just to see how I benefit.

I’m good to try for a couple of weeks, maybe a month, we’ll see how it goes. In the meantime, I have the tried and true products that have helped me through getting older. Certain foods aren’t for everyone, so it’s nice to know there are options to help us stay healthy. If you’re looking to help you along with a healthier lifestyle, these are available if you’re not willing to change your diet in any way. You’ll see pounds come off, have better skin and hair, sleep better, and brain fog will disappear. Always know you have options that work for YOU, especially if you do your research.

So here I go, heading off to reap the benefits of eating more meat. I’m game (pun intended) to try something new to see what health benefits I’ll see. I’ve had to supplement my diet with things to help my CHANGE OF LIFE ailments, and I always thought I was generally pretty healthy. I found out I still could do better. I’m always willing to try new things to get healthier, so while I’m off doing this, feel free to educate yourself on ways you can get healthier or stay healthy. You’d be surprised by what you’ll find and learn. Do what works for you and enjoy the progress and the results.

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