COOKING, FOOD & WINE is probably one of my favorite categories. My kitchen is designed around my love of cooking (and enjoying wine too). Our Online Community loves food, wine, and sharing. You’ll benefit from the education of learning to pair liquid art with your favorite foods. Enjoy these pages, as you will learn about all the things near and dear to us. Discover great things!

Family Recipes: I show love by cooking, so it’s something I do often. Of course, there are favorite recipes that resurface. Once I became part of this Community, I learned how much fun it is to share new recipes as well. Of course, a glass of wine while cooking is always welcome. We create memories with our favorite recipes and we love to share them. You’ll see them here.

Cooking Food Wine

Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door: Nothing beats a good fine wine when you’re pairing it with your favorite recipes. What if it was of good quality AND it was delivered to your home? We have an amazing wine club here that carefully creates these true fine wines with love and attention. Not a wine person? Share with someone who is. Learn why it’s called “liquid art in a bottle.” You’ll want to discover why it’s become my favorite wine to sip.

Entertaining Gifts and Supplies: When you’re an adult, you like your toys too! This is especially true if you enjoy cooking like I do. These are unique tools for the kitchen you’ll want for yourself or to gift someone else. Have fun browsing through and discovering new gadgets to add to the kitchen. You’ll see some handy solutions and think of someone you’ll want to share them with. These toys are fun to play with!

Nutrient-Dense Food: Imagine the serene life of a cow in a peaceful and gorgeous field. This cow is grazing on the most nutritious grasses and is eating and living how a cow should be. This will result in the best beef you’ve ever tasted. This is nothing like what you get at the grocery store, which is mass-produced quickly. When you read about this amazing family-owned company, you’ll see why this is nutrient-dense food brought to your table. Take a look and discover why!

Cooking Food Wine

Protein Popcorn is a Great Snack! Popcorn is my all-time favorite. When we strive to eat healthier, we want snacks that help give our bodies what we need. When we needed more protein, we found another great option. This delicious popcorn will leave you without the guilt as you snack responsibly. Try this popcorn here.

We enjoy life more when cooking, food, & wine is part of it. Eating in our house is more than a meal…it’s an experience. Memories are made, lessons are learned, and good quality is essential when we enjoy meals with others. When you discover and learn new things, you’ll want to share. Enjoy!