All Things Self-Help and Self-Education

All Things Self-Help and Self-Education is where we get to SHARE! I love learning new things, and here you get to do the same. When I first started teaching, I worked with an amazing team of women who shared their experiences with me. I became the teacher I was because of their guidance and lessons they’ve learned and shared with me along the way. I took their information and grew into a teacher who continues to channel those amazing teachers before me. Here, we will share so much with you. See what I mean!

EMF Protection: Do you know that electromagnetic frequencies are all around us. As they’ve increased, they have become harmful. Our ever-growing uses of cellular services, wifi, computers, and anything else electronic is affecting our frequencies and breaking us down. Everyone we know and love NEED this solution in their lives. See the details and where to find solutions here:

A Healing Journey for Your Skin: We all have experienced our skin going through some kind of healing journey. From children to adults, our skin is always compromised. From sunburns to shaving to tattoos, we need to find ways to help our skin do its special healing. We have found something special to do just that. See it here!

all things self-help

Homeschool of the Future: This is the solution for our education issues and how we prepare our children for a better future. Offering Kindergarten (which is FREE) through 12th grade, this is offered to you in the comfort of your home. Amazing curriculum will be taught by dedicated teachers through technology, and learning can happen anywhere and everywhere. We are solving education here! Get the details about the future of education here:

It Happened In Orlando. This was a weekend that brought my life to where I am today. There was plenty of sharing and learning that weekend that inspired me to take more control of my business and reach another level. Not only were there people there who made a big change in their lives like myself, but we also learned so much from each other and continue to do so. Read about it here.

Puberty 2.0 Rears Her Ugly Head. The horrible state you’re in could be menopause. You’re not yourself, and it can be a lonely journey without a tribe to hold you up. I went from tears of frustration and I don’t know what, to tears from ugly laughing at texts from other women going through the same things and more to intrigue me. Read these actual texts among a tribe of women going through the BIG CHANGE.

All things Self-Help and Self-Education can be more exciting when you’re all grown up! If you’re a life-long learner as I am, you’ll find some great things here. You’ll also find that good education is something we are trying to achieve. I hope you learn something like I did, or at least get motivated to research things further. The internet provides us with so much information at our fingertips and you’ll see here, it isn’t different. You’ll learn about others’ experiences and find things that might be solutions for you. Enjoy!