Hey Parents! We’re in this together.

Don’t worry. We’re in this together. How overwhelmed are you right now? Feeling like hiding in your closet? Is that little person giving you the realization you’ve got THE HARDEST job on God’s Green Earth? Your child is YOUR child, right? You’re not alone. Nobody is more precious than the one you gave birth to. NOBODY can raise that sweet soul like you can either. I get it. As parents, we are incredibly arrogant into thinking there is nobody on this earth better at raising our children than ourselves. That’s partly true…


Welcome and thank you for being here. You’re not alone, Parents!

I love children. They are innocent, exuberant, honest, and eager. I started babysitting when I was ten, around the time my youngest brother was born. I taught Sunday School, taught park district programs, worked summer camp, and have been around kids my entire life. Kids are what I know. Plus, I was one, and my career let me still be one in a way. I was a teacher before I became a mom and I loved my job. Not only did I teach first grade with incredible students and supportive families, but I also worked with a team of teachers who shaped me professionally. I thought I had the experience to know exactly how to raise a child when it was time for parenthood. Then, my daughter was born with Down Syndrome.

The first class I ever taught had a child with Down Syndrome in it. He was an energetic, sunny boy the kids loved to have around. My classroom aide was wonderful with him, patiently reiterating the expectations of first grade. I learned a lot that year as a young teacher, knowing what acceptance looked like in a classroom full of 6-year-olds. I was raised to be accepting, so it was easy for me to teach acceptance to young minds. Little did I know as a young teacher, I would forever be grateful for my precious encounters with this young student. For one day, I would give birth to a daughter with Down Syndrome.

We know children don’t come with “how-to” manuals. 

We know what we have learned and try to pass it down to our children, using the experiences we’d had or didn’t have. As “a village,” these experiences come together to help raise great humans. But as much experience as I had, I realized a very important thing: I DESPERATELY NEEDED HELP!!

It took me a while to admit that. I couldn’t do this parental journey by myself, even though I thought I knew what I needed to do. It started in the hospital with my family and my daughter, holding a little bundle with her hearty cries and a doctor telling me about a heart condition. It went on as my pediatrician matter-of-factly told me what needed to be done. I had experts tell me how my daughter’s speech should be coming along, how she should be crawling, and what was expected of her in developmental stages. But here’s what I learned quickly: my best teachers were other parents who had been through it already. And they were okay to lean on each other, working together for their children.

I’m no expert on other people’s children, but I consider myself an expert on my own. 

My “own children” include those I’ve taught in the classroom. When you get to know a little person and you know how they “tick,” you tend to go with what works. Kids are pretty predictable and yet they are very unpredictable. They certainly keep us on our toes, but what I’ve learned is SOMEONE has been through it before and can give advice. Just when I thought I had it figured out, I didn’t. Do you have to take any advice given? Of course not! Do what works for you. But if something isn’t working, maybe you need to try something different. Even if it isn’t what you’re used to or if it feels unnatural, it could be just the thing you need. That’s why I’m here. 

I want you to know you’re not alone. 

As a teacher, I saw things that made me wonder about what parents were thinking. In my profession, I keep in mind that parents are passionate about their kids and their hearts are generally in the right place. But as a mom (with a teacher’s perspective), I could certainly give some insight. And as a mom of a child with special needs, I can tell you plenty of things that I’ve seen that make me want to pull my hair out. I’ll save that for another time. Just know I’m here for you. I have my cloudy days, yet I know there is always a silver lining. And if you want to be a part of something big, join this wonderful community. We are all connected and you couldn’t be in a better place. We will welcome you. Discover and learn with me and be up-to-date on all of our amazing finds. As a community, we are in this together!